How to use Percentage Calculator
While percentage calculations are used in a wide variety of fields, they can be difficult to perform by hand. Intemodino Percentage Calculator handles practically any percentage problem and can be used to save time and accurately perform daily calculations with percents.
How to determine the percentage of a number
Example: what is 5% of 20?
To find the percentage of a value, choose "Percentages" and then "% of a value" from the drop-down menu. Now enter 5 in the frist field, 20 in the second field and click Calculate.
Find the whole number when you know the percentage and the sub-value
Example: 4 is 30% of what?
Choose "value from %", input 4 and 30 in the corresponding fields and press Calculate. The calculator also shows the detailed explanation.
How to calculate the percentage of one number vs. another number
Example: 20 is what percent of 150?
If you want to find what percent of Y is X, choose "sub-value of a value", input both values and press Calculate. The app shows both the result and the solution.
How to add or subtract a percentage
Need to find out how much larger or smaller an initial number would be when increased or decreased by a given percent? Just choose "Percentages" in the first screen, choose "add / subtract %" from the drop-down menu, enter the initial number and the percentage, choose the desired operation and click "Calculate".
Negative values and percentages are possible. Simply tap the "+/-" button to put a minus sign.
How to calculate the percentage change
To find the percentage increase or decrease between two numbers, choose "percentage change" and enter the initial and result values. The app supports both positive and negative values.
How to convert a fraction to percent and vice versa
To solve fraction to percentage and percentage to fraction conversions, select "% to /from fraction", input a fraction that you would like to convert to a percent value and press Calculate. To convert the percent value into a fraction, press the left right arrows button in the top menu and enter the percent value.