Solving cubic equations
Cubic Equation Solver helps you quickly solve your homework problems or check your results. It solves cubic, quadratic and linear equations. Just type in any equation you want to solve and Cubic equation solver will show you the result.
With the Advanced format, you can input your equation in any form. It supports equations with fractions and parentheses. Note: the application doesn’t yet support equations with a variable in the denominator.
For cubic equations in the form ax
3 + bx
2 + cx + d = 0 you can select the Predefined format (in the Settings window). To find the roots of a cubic equation, enter the coefficients ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ and ‘d’ and click 'Solve'. The coefficients ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’ and ‘d’ are real numbers, a ≠ 0. Cubic Equation Solver supports positive, negative, or zero values of the coefficients. Note: for a missing term enter zero.
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Solves cubic equations using Cardano's formula.
The standard cubic equation (or third degree equation) has the following form:
Solving cubic equations with Cardano's method:
Dividing the standard cubic equation by
and substituting
we get the following equation
, where
The discriminant of the cubic equation
By Cardano's formulas, the roots of the cubic equation:
For each
you should take
, for which
, the equation has three real roots.
, then one root is real and two are complex conjugates.
, the equation has two real roots. If p = q = 0, the equation has one real root.