How you can use the calculator with parentheses
This simple calculator is primarily intended to help people in basic calculations. You can access the calculator from any computer or mobile device.
The basic calculator offers four functions, which include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Unlike many other calculators, this calculator supports expressions with parentheses, including nested parentheses.
The calculator can be used to perform calculations with percentages. You can also use the calculator to convert fractions to decimals. For example, if you have the fraction 1/4, press 1 ÷ 4 = and the calculator will show the result 0.25.
The calculator options can be accessed by clicking on the buttons or using the keyboard.
The calculator stores history of recent calculations.
Back and forward buttons lets you check and use recent calculations.
Inserts a decimal point.
Puts the number in the calculator's display.
Performs any operation on the previous two numbers. To repeat the last operation, you should click = again.
Deletes the last digit of the displayed number.
Clears the current calculation.
Starts a new level of parentheses. The maximum number of levels is 100.
Closes the current level of parentheses.